

Michael Kirke was born in Co. Donegal and attended St. Eunan’s College in Letterkenny 1957-1962. In 1966 he graduated from University College Dublin (History and Politics) and from Trinity College (M.Ed.) in 1976. In 1966 he began his career in journalism as a sub-editor in The Evening Press in Dublin. In 1968 switched tracks and joined the newsroom of the Irish Press group. 1969 Saw him move to Belfast where he covered the initial unravelling of the Unionist hegemony in the province. Later that year he became the group’s education correspondent. Then in 1973, somewhat hooked by his growing interest in education, he took leave of absence to pursue further studies in education, eventually leaving The Irish Press to work as director of Ely University Centre (www.elyuc.com) at the request of the directors of Opus Dei (www.opusdei.ie). His involvement with Opus Dei dated back to his student days at UCD. In 1978 he began teaching in Rockbrook School (www.rockbrook.ie) and in 1981 was appointed headmaster. He remained there until 1994 and went to work in Galway where he began writing again. In 2003 he moved back to Dublin where he expanded his freelance writing and other media work. His main interests are cultural, educational, national and international affairs.

14 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Michael. Finally I foud you blog. I have a blog as well, however the subjects on discussion are not so serious as yours. Anyway, good talking to you.
    Best Regards,

  2. Killian

    I’m looking forward to our roof-top garden. But with reference to this, fantastic! Really enjoy the style of writing, alongside the careful and informed position.

  3. Pingback: Garvan Hill: 2010 in review « Garvan Hill

  4. Hi Michael, I was just reading your about secton. You have quite the CV, very impressive. I was thinking of applying for the BBC journalism trainee scheme this year but I don’t think it is really for me as I don’t really have enough of an interest in current affairs and the like. Plus, one of the first questions they asked was ‘are you willing to travel and be flexible with your location as you are unlikely to be based close to home?’, to which I had to answer truthfully that I wasn’t as I need to stay in Belfast. Definitely want to do something in writing though. I enjoy doing the reviews for PP and Mercatornet, so hopefully I’ll get something along those lines, content management-wise. Thanks for the blog Michael.

  5. Rev. Sean Smith

    I am a retired priest at Knock Shrine and just completed a manuscript titled:
    JESUS – The Answer to Evangelising Catholics.
    I write to know if you do reviews.
    Best wishes and take care.
    Sean Smith

  6. John

    Dear Michael,
    Excellent letter in the Irish Times from you a few days ago. Almost always, so-called journalists seek to represent the very worst in others. and never more so than when it comes to Catholics and our institutions. You politely but adamantly put their guy in his place.
    My thanks and well done.

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