Food for thought – about millennials

This has been around for a few months but it is well worth checking out in case you have not seen it. It is a calm but very astute summing up on the time bomb which the world may be sitting on.

There is no question but that the generation we call ‘millennials’ has within its ranks some very creative minds with strong characters to go with them. But the overall assessment of this generation is for many a cause for concern.

Our only complaint about this particular assessment might be that, in true millennial spirit, the blame is not laid at their door – but at the door of their parents.

One thought on “Food for thought – about millennials

  1. Simon Sinek’s monologue in this video reminds me of those popular magazine articles that promise to tell you the secret to younger skin but really do nothing more than describe the problem with which you are already well familiar. It seems to me that older generations have always feared and negatively eschewed the intentions of younger generations.

    In 1988 I was twenty years old and married. My husband and I could afford our own place. Four years later we bought our first home–this was the norm for working class people in the United States thirty years ago. My three millennial children all work full-time jobs, but none of them make anywhere near enough money to live independently or set-up house with a potential mate. Our current economic system has made millennials perpetually dependent children. Case in point: one of the (only) positive benefits of the Affordable Care Act is that you can stay on your parents’ health insurance until you are 26 (because it’s hard to afford health insurance AND pay your student loan bills when you are stuck in an entry level position.)

    Simon Sinek thinks this generation should just be more patient and pay their dues (you know, like we did); what he doesn’t acknowledge is that the dues have increased exponentially. College tuition rates have increased 260% in the last 30 years, while during the same time period real wages — that is, after inflation is taken into account — have been flat or even falling for decades, (the average wage peaked more than 40 years ago. The $4.03-an-hour rate recorded in January 1973 has the same purchasing power as $22.41 today, but the federal minimum wage is just $7.25 an hour and hasn’t been raised in eight years). Keep in mind that the college admissions rate in 1980 was around 53% and in 2012 was 94%.

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